The 6 Remedies of Christmas Angst
The Holiday Soother kit contains 6 homeopathic remedies that are often needed during the holiday season. You don’t need to take all of them…or even any of them unless the following occurs…
STRESS + PANIC: Aconite is very useful for the onset of those inevitable moments of anxiety during the holiday season
BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA: Arnica is the go-to remedy for any blunt force trauma (food fight anyone?) It is great for pain and bruising too
CUTS + SRAPES + BURNs: Calendula is your remedy to have on hand in the kitchen
FOOD POISONING: Arsenicum is your remedy for this
UNDER THE WEATHER: Ferrum Phosphoricum is a great remedy when you just feel unwell with no specific cause….but we all really know what it is!
OVERINDULGENCE: Nux isthe absolute go-to remedy for excess anything!